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The Trocks company

Les Ballets Trockadero


Tickets from: £15.00 
Evenings: 7.30pm
Running time: 2hrs 20mins (including intervals)

For almost 50 years, the all-male comedy ballet company Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo (affectionately known as “The Trocks”) have been delighting audiences of all ages at sell-out performances featuring their fabulous sense of fun and their flawless dance.
Originally from New York, the Trocks are now loved world-wide for their sassy spoofs and hilarious homages to classical ballet, where 16 dancers each transform into two personas, both ballerina and danseur!

Every performance frivolously froths with tutus and testosterone, blush-pink ballet pumps, fierce false eyelashes and prima ballerina attitude. However, what makes this company extraordinarily special is their immaculate technique and daring physicality, surpassed only by their impeccable comic timing.

Programme: Le Lac des Cygnes (Swan Lake Act II), Pas de Deux or modern work to be announced, Vivaldi Suite, Raymonda’s Wedding.

There is a free post-show talk with members of the company after the 7:30pm performance on Tue 18 Sep. Tickets are free but must be pre-booked.

Book early and secure the best seats at the best price! We reserve the right to change prices.

The Trocks, Dance Consortium

The Trocks Digital Programme

Delve deep into the stunning production and find out all there is to know about one of the world’s leading dance companies by purchasing a digital programme.

Available to view immediately in your account so you can read more about the incredible dancers and their phenomenal work ahead of seeing the performance; flexible pricing options are available.



‘If you are looking for a happy night out, its hard to beat the Trocks’

The Times


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